The STF detractors

  • Guaraci Corrêa Porto OAB-RJ
Keywords: Supreme Federal Court, National Congress, President, Public institutions, Public opinion


Although institutions are made up of people, history shows that they acquire behaviors, over time, which are not necessarily the sum of their members' behavior. In addition, this behavior changes, mistakes and successes are made. Therefore, it is very difficult to judge an institution. In the situation of almost anomie because Brazil currently passes, there are those who try to disqualify institutions for acts practiced in another context, under different conditions. When the Supreme Federal Court, by its ministers, tries to curb abuses committed and illegalities practiced, a discredited campaign was launched to discredit our Pretorio Excelso, in an orchestration of different cultural levels. If it is the right of any citizen to disagree with an act practiced by an institution, he must seek the means that the Law gives him to express his disagreement. No one has the right to disqualify it or propose its extinction for disagreeing with any act or decision. Threatening the ministers that comprise it and their families is the attitude of bandits, who as such should be treated. Above all, democratic values ​​and the fundamental principles of the rule of law must prevail, hard-won. It is the duty of every citizen to defend them.


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